Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Tuesday: The Day I Discovered I Am Claustrophobic

So today I went to The Tower of London. Dad will be proud: I took a bunch of photos. I also discovered something: tight spaces make me want to puke and pass out. The steps leading up to the Bloody Tower are narrow, steep, enclosed. Thank GOD you don't go out the same way you come in. I spent damn near the whole day at the Tower. It's fascinating. I then had amazing food at a Japanese noodle shop.

I've not had the best luck on the tube. To add to yesterday's issues, today I was on a train where the doors wouldn't open. Eventually, they had to pry them open and force everyone off of the train...IN RUSH HOUR! Lucky for me, I'm not on a timetable, so it didn't matter how long I waited for a non-crowded train to come along. Still, the tube is amazing. I think if Cincinnati had better public transportation, I'd be richer and skinnier. There'd be no reason to own a car. It's also funny how you don't even think about the walking (until my fat out-of-shape arse gets back to the hotel at night).

I've mastered walking without looking like a tourist. You just set your face, put on your headphones, and walk hard and fast. Now if I could figure out a way to get my maps inside my novel, so that people can't tell when I'm frantically checking cross streets every four blocks. I'll say this: a no-agenda vacation is the way to go. There's no stress. Also, the travelpass for the tube is great. If I miss a stop, I dont' have to worry about paying again to get back on. I can just ride it to the end and turn around or get off and on 1000x.

Tonight, I'm going for a beer at the pub. I know it sounds odd, but I've been too tired to enjoy a proper pint yet! I've had wine with dinner both nights, but nothing off a tap!

Ok, internet time is up!



Anonymous said...

Way to Go daughter. Homer is doing great; Rory (?) is sick and fighting with Haileigh. When I worked at Pete's we always told people who bought a new camera to shoot a roll before they went on a trip so they could get used to the camera. If you get bored you can always read the owners manual. Watch out for the figgy pudding.
Love, Dad

ChazFrench said...

Did you get the camera working?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're having soooo much fun. Rock out with your map out!