Friday, December 8, 2006

Friday: The day my brain is too tired for witty headlines.

Well, today I did something REALLY cool. Jonathan was out this morning and got tickets for us to go on the slide at the Tate Modern. Which slide? Why, the fifth floor one! OH. MY. GOD. Absolutely amazing. It winds down and is enclosed, but the top is clear so you can see the lights and such. The guy at the top who sends you off was trying to scare me before I went in. It worked.

We also went to St. Paul's for about 30 seconds. It's £8.50 to view the church. Those of you that know me know I would never give money to a church. Instead, we dipped into St. Martin Within Ludgate, which is free and gorgeous. What I've learned so far about London is you're rarely far away from a building that can take your breath away. Tomorrow, we're going to shoot for the London Eye and Tower Bridge. (I hope you guys are googling all of these things so that you can be properly impressed with what I've seen).

For you Farkers, the party last night was a huge success. Kudos to David for organizing it, although his claim that the Nag's Head had inexpensive drinks was...false. I think paying £8.26 for two pints (that's about $16) is akin to highway robbery. The people there were quite nice and there were a few Americans and a Canadian.

Ok, we're off to dinner.


ChazFrench said...

Oooooooh You got to ride the slides!! You are soo lucky, those are not a permanent feature, they were just recently installed and it's an artsy fartsy thing. I think they're there for 18 months (maybe 24 but I doubt it). That is Hellacool Em!

**SMOOOCH** I'm so glad you're having such a good time.

Unknown said...

Its a damn ripoff having to pay that much to see St Pauls. I also refused to pay to go see it.

And yes those are typical bar prices in the centre of London. Wise people sneak a bottle of vodka in :-)