Sunday, December 3, 2006

OK OK OK! Patience is a virtue!

So I'm here. First, I'm not nearly as good at map reading as I thought I was. What should have been a 5 minute walk from Paddington Tube station to my hotel turned into a 30 minute debacle. I packed way too much stuff. Seriously. My back is killing me.

The flight was turbulent, but grandma hooked me up with some [completely legal and not prescription because that would be a felony for me to take her medication] tablets. Getting through immigration too FOREVER. I lucked out and got a free ride on the Gatwick Express from the airport because the guy taking money was running late for something.

My hotel room is TINY. I'm on the fourth floor: elevator only goes to 3. The hallways do NOT take kindly to large luggage pieces. Seriously, I think the room was intended for a maybe I'll see some English midgets! SCORE!

I took a nap when I got in and had a creepy nightmare. I dreamed that, because of the good deal I got on Expedia on the hotel, they were allowing some random stranger to rack with me on a cot. I threw a hissy fit and demanded my money back because there was no way I would get naked in front of this stranger AND the dachsund that was mysteriously present in the room. In the dream, turns out my brother Dan was working at the hotel as a video game consultant and was totally ashamed of my hissy fit. Finally, they moved me into the video game room. VERY odd dream.

I just had the best Korma of my life (Jet, you really must come here and eat!). I probably won't stay out terribly late tonight because I have a lot of walking to do tomorrow. London is really only about 5 miles across. That's nothing! I just want to see everything RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW.

My apologies to Kathy and James, who had to put up with me being a basket case yesterday as I was doing last minute tasks and errands. I'd have never made the flight without their help.

Oh, and yes, EVERYBODY wants Homer. Until he pees on your rug. Or gets into your garbage. Or eats a bag of Hershey's kisses and leaves flagged presents on the lawn.


ChazFrench said...

yay! Emmy made it! And what, you thought I was joking about the size of European hotel rooms?

Have fun.

Anonymous said...

w00t! England will never be the same!

Spratt said...

Bring me back an English midget as a souvenir kthx.

Unknown said...

Emmy we want photos of the midgets (and the mysterious daschund should he ever show up for real).

Indefensible said...

You can walk across central London quite comfortably in a day. Do try to get to the Saatchi Gallery and the Tate Modern :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it safe and sound! Those, um, completely legal drugs sure give ya some fun dreams, huh?

Unknown said...

Don't fuck up my town. And I totally expect you to worship at my place of birth - behind paddington if you're asking

Brandon Sharitt said...

England? You should have come here to Korea. There are hot Asian chicks everywhere!

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it safe and sound ... if you're bringing back presents I'll take a midget daschund. Then maybe no one will notice another dog ...