Monday, December 4, 2006

And I would walk 500 miles ....

A note: Anybody purchasing shoes to wear on a trip should buy them AT LEAST a month before departure and break them in really well.

Today was a great day. I was up and out of the hotel by 7:45am. I walked to the British Museum (from Bayswater in case y'all want to map it). I then spent from around 9am until 4pm at this wonderful place. Afterwards, I got on the tube and got off at the wrong stop. I wandered into a wine bar where I was abused by some French bartenders. Seriously, every person I've encountered so far speaking French has been completely rude, from these servers to just people walking down the street not paying attention to anyone or anything. The glass of wine went straight to my head and I screwed up my tube stops going home. After trying to get back to "home base", there was a train broken down, so I hoofed it from Kensington to Bayswater. Spinning class has nothing on my day!

I took a few photos in the British Museum. By far, the coolest thing I saw were some stone reliefs depicting a lion hunt in Assyria. I have discovered, though, that I can't get my camera to capture a night image. It's a Casio exilim, so if any of you have a suggestion ... I missed a cool shot of the London Eye tonight because it wont' take photos in the dark.


Unknown said...

Avez vuos une probleme avec les Francais?

Emmy said...

Oui. Je deteste les Francais.

Anonymous said...

Qui n'as pas une probleme avec les Francais ? Tous les Francais sont connards !

Unknown said...

Many reviews for that camera mention how bad it is at night photos. Try adjusting the shutter speed to its slowest setting and standing really still while shooting. Sometimes that works.

ChazFrench said...

I love reading your updates dear. The French in England are rude because the English hate them.

Do not think that all French are like that.

Anonymous said...

Omelette du fromage.

AlanV said...

Was there anything on the capital of Assyria?